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Can You Use A Knife To Sharpen A Knife? Here’s The Answer

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Knife sharpening is an essential skill for chefs, outdoor enthusiasts, and anyone who relies on a sharp blade for daily tasks. But what about the unconventional method of using a knife to sharpen another knife? This intriguing question has sparked curiosity and debate among professionals and hobbyists alike. Can a knife really be used to sharpen another knife, or is this merely a myth?

A knife can be used to sharpen or rather hone another knife in an emergency. The rounded spine of one knife blade can be used to realign the edge of the other knife to restore sharpness. The technique requires practice to perform correctly and is not recommended as a regular method.

We will explore this controversial subject, exploring both the how-to aspect of using a knife to sharpen another knife and the ongoing debate surrounding the validity of this method. We discuss the traditional knife sharpening techniques, compare them with this unconventional approach, and analyze the arguments for and against using a knife as a sharpening tool.

A diamond honing steel is one of the best ways to re-align the cutting edge of a knife. The one we recommend can be viewed here. (Amazon Link)

Using A Knife To Sharpen A Knife

Can You use A Knife to Sharpen A Knife?
Using A Knife To Sharpen A Knife

Whether you’re a knife expert looking to understand different sharpening methods or simply curious about this unique approach, our comprehensive guide will provide insights and answers to the question of using a knife to sharpen a knife. We will cut through the myths and sharpen our understanding of this intriguing topic.

Before we dig into using a knife as a sharpening tool, we need to understand some of the basics around sharpening knives to ensure we are all launching from the same starting point.

Knife sharpening is more than just a routine task; it’s a skill that requires understanding and precision. We will explore the fundamental concepts of knife sharpening, including the difference between sharpening and honing, traditional methods, and proper sharpening.

This will give us a baseline with which to compare the method of using a knife to sharpen a knife and whether it has any merit.

Definition Of Sharpening And Honing

Sharpening and honing are two distinct operations in restoring the cutting edge of a knife to the desired level of sharpness.

  • Sharpening. This process involves grinding and shaping the blade to create a new edge. It’s typically done with a sharpening stone or a mechanical sharpener. Sharpening removes material from the blade to form a sharp edge.
  • Honing. Unlike sharpening, honing doesn’t remove material from the blade. Instead, it realigns the edge, making it feel sharper. Honing is often done with a honing rod or the back of another knife.
TermDescriptionTools Used
SharpeningGrinding and shaping the blade to create a new edge or restore a dull or damaged edge.Sharpening stone, machine
HoningRealigning the edge without removing much material making the knife feel sharper.Honing rod, leather strop, another knife

Traditional Sharpening Methods

Can You Sharpen A Knife With A Knife?
Traditional Sharpening Methods

Traditional methods are the best way to re-establish a sharp edge on a knife. The following are the more common traditional sharpening methods and tools for achieving a sharp edge.

  • Sharpening stones. These come in various grits, with lower numbers for coarse sharpening and higher numbers for fine honing. The choice of grit depends on the condition and type of knife.
  • Mechanical sharpeners. These devices offer a quick and consistent way to sharpen knives, with adjustable angles and multiple stages for sharpening and honing.
  • Sharpening angles. The angle at which the knife is sharpened is crucial. Common angles include 20 degrees for kitchen knives, 25 for general-purpose knives, and 30 for heavy-duty tools.
Knife TypeRecommended AngleGrit Range
Kitchen Knives20 degrees1000-6000
General-Purpose25 degrees1000-3000
Heavy-Duty Tools30 degrees800-2000

TIP: Knife sharpening systems take the guesswork out of knife sharpening and are a good place for beginners to start. Read our article on the best knife sharpening systems for beginners to find the best system for your needs.
Ultimate Guide: Best Knife Sharpening Systems for Beginners

The Importance Of Proper Sharpening

Proper sharpening is vital for the performance and longevity of knives. A well-sharpened knife cuts more efficiently and reduces the risk of accidents due to slippage.

Understanding the difference between sharpening and honing, choosing the right tools and angles, and following best practices are key to maintaining sharp and reliable knives.

By understanding these fundamental knife-sharpening concepts, you can appreciate the complexity of knife sharpening and make informed decisions about the methods and tools they use.

Whether using traditional sharpening stones or exploring the debate about using a knife to sharpen another knife, this foundation sets the stage for a deeper exploration of the topic.

The Method Of Using A Knife To Sharpen A Knife

The idea of using a knife to sharpen another knife is both intriguing and controversial. This section will explore how this method is executed, when it might be applicable, and the pros and cons of this unconventional approach.

How To Sharpen A Knife With A Knife

Using a knife to sharpen the edge of another knife is often referred to as honing rather than sharpening. This means that the purpose of sharpening a knife with another knife is honing rather than sharpening, as per the definitions we explored earlier.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for honing a knife with another knife.

  1. Choose the right knives. Select a rounded or smooth spine knife to hone the other knife.
  2. Align the blades. Hold the blades at a 20-degree angle to each other or an angle appropriate for the knife requiring honing.
  3. Slide the blades. Slide the blades against each other, moving from the base to the tip.
  4. Repeat. Repeat the process on both sides of the blade until the edge feels realigned.

Essentially, the action will be similar to using a traditional honing rod, with the spine of the blade of one knife acting as the honing rod to straighten or realign the edge of the knife being worked on.

When To Use The Knife-On-Knife Sharpening Method

Can You Use A Knife To Sharpen A Knife?
When To Use The Knife-On-Knife Sharpening Method

This method might be applicable in situations where traditional sharpening tools are not available, such as during outdoor activities or in emergency scenarios. It’s a temporary solution to realign the blade, making it feel sharper.

Using a knife to sharpen a knife can not take the place of regular honing and sharpening with the correct tools. It shuls be seen as an emergency measure rather than a routine knife sharpening option.

TIP: Stropping on a leather strop is a great alternative method to re-align and polish a knife’s cutting edge. Read all about how to sharpen a knife with leather in our article on the topic.
How To Sharpen Knives With Leather: A DIY Guide

Pros And Cons Of Sharpening A Knife With A Knife

Understanding the advantages and downsides of this method is essential for making an informed decision on when to use this method and the knives you can use it on.

No special tools requiredNot suitable for actual sharpening
Can be used in an emergency when no other tools are available.May damage the blade if done wrongly
Temporary improvement in edgeNot a substitute for proper honing

Using one knife to sharpen another knife is a method that has sparked curiosity and debate. While it can be used as a temporary solution for honing, it is not a substitute for proper sharpening.

Understanding how to do it, when to use it, and the pros and cons of this method provide valuable insights for knife users interested in exploring unconventional sharpening techniques.

The Debate About Using A Knife To Sharpen A Knife

The method of using a knife to sharpen another knife has been a subject of discussion and debate among knife enthusiasts, chefs, and outdoor experts.

While some see it as a viable emergency solution, others argue against its effectiveness and safety. We will explore the debate from both sides, presenting the supporting and opposing views and analyzing the validity of the arguments.

Supporting Views For Using A Knife To Sharpen A Knife

Some knife users support the knife-on-knife sharpening method as a valid option for knife sharpening. I do not support this view, but proponents of using a knife to sharpen another knife often highlight the following points.

  • Emergency Solution. This method can provide a temporary fix when traditional sharpening tools are unavailable.
  • Honing Capability. While not suitable for sharpening, it can be used for honing and realigning the blade’s edge.
  • Skill-Based Technique. With proper technique and understanding, it can be done without damaging the blade.

Opposing Views For Using A Knife To Sharpen A Knife

On the opposite side of the fence, many knife experts do not agree with using this method to touch up a knife’s edge unless it is an extreme circumstance. Critics of this method raise the following several concerns:

  • Ineffectiveness for Sharpening. They argue that this method cannot truly sharpen a knife, as it only realigns the edge.
  • Potential Damage. If done incorrectly, it may cause more harm to the blade, leading to nicks or uneven edges.
  • Not a Substitute for Proper Tools. Traditional sharpening tools and methods are considered more reliable and effective.

Analysis Of The Debate

As with every debate, there are two sides to the argument. While both sides are valid, the ultimate benefit must be weighed against the possible problems. The following is a summary of the debate from my perspective as an experienced knife user.

  • Validity of Both Sides. Both supporting and opposing views have valid points. The method can be used for emergency honing but is unsuitable for sharpening.
  • Importance of Technique. The success of this sharpening method depends heavily on the technique and understanding of the user. It requires practice to perform effectively enough to achieve the objective; a sharp knife.
  • Context Matters. The appropriateness of this method depends on the context, such as outdoor situations where traditional tools may not be available.

The debate about using a knife to sharpen another knife is complex and multifaceted. While it may serve as a temporary solution for honing in specific situations, it is not a replacement for traditional sharpening methods.

The differing views highlight the importance of understanding the limitations and potential risks of this sharpening method, as well as the need for proper technique and caution.

PRO TIP: We personally use diamond plates by Atoma. They are quite expensive but of the top quality with very long service life.

The initial costs are higher but you have an option of buying replacing diamond skin for all Atoma plates. The costs of replacing diamond skin are much lower than the cost of buying a new diamond plate.

So if you are going to use diamond plates regularly and want to get the best quality on the market, check out the four Atoma diamond plates listed below (Amazon links).

These 4 diamond sharpening stones are all you need to have for repairing or sharpening your knives.

Alternative Sharpening Methods

Can You Sharpen A Knife With A Knife?
Alternative Sharpening Methods

While using a knife to sharpen another knife has its place in specific situations, various alternative sharpening methods offer more precision and effectiveness. This section will explore these alternatives, including sharpening stones, household items like ceramic mugs, and mechanical sharpening systems.

Sharpening Stones

Sharpening stones are one of my favored methods of sharpening a knife due to the control you have over the process and the quality of the edge you can put on the knife.

Many sharpening stones come in a portable format that allows them to easily fit in a backpack, your car’s glove box, or even your pocket. A little forethought and planning to keep a honing stone close at hand will provide a better and more effective honing option than using another knife.

Sharpening stones offer the following benefits over using a knife to sharpen a knife.

  • Different Grits. Sharpening stones come in various grits, ranging from coarse to fine, each serving a specific purpose.
  • Angles Matter. The sharpening angle is crucial, with different angles suited for different types of knives.
  • More Precision. Sharpening stones provide more precision to restore the knife edge effectively.
  • More Control. More control when honing the edge means more accuracy and better safety during the process.
Knife TypeRecommended AngleGrit Range
Kitchen Knives20 degrees1000-6000
General-Purpose25 degrees1000-3000
Heavy-Duty Tools30 degrees800-2000

TIP: Are you looking to buy a new whetstone? Check out our recommendations (we personally use the first three ones):

Our PRO choice whetstones combo (Amazon links):

Our budget choice (Amazon link): Sharp Pebble Extra Large Sharpening Stone Set

Using Household Items like Ceramic Mugs

There are other “emergency” sharpening or honing options that provide a more effective solution than using a knife to sharpen a knife.

  • Ceramic Mug Method. The unglazed bottom rim of a ceramic mug can be used to hone a knife’s edge.
  • Other Household Items. Items like glass and sandpaper have also been used in emergency situations.
Household ItemUsage
Ceramic MugHoning the edge using the unglazed rim
GlassSharpening on the edge of a glass
SandpaperCoarse sharpening for damaged edges

Mechanical Sharpening Systems

Devices made to be portable and intended to sharpen a knife will always perform better than the improvised option of using a knife to sharpen another knife.

  • Electric Sharpeners. These devices offer multiple stages for sharpening, honing, and polishing with adjustable angles.
  • Manual Sharpeners. Hand-operated sharpening devices with different slots for coarse and fine sharpening.
Electric SharpenersPrecise, adjustable angles, multi-stage sharpeningExpensive, requires electricity
Manual SharpenersPortable, easy to use, affordableLess precise than sharpening stones

Alternative sharpening methods provide a wide range of options for maintaining sharp and efficient knives. From traditional sharpening stones to innovative household solutions and modern mechanical systems, these methods offer varying levels of precision, convenience, and effectiveness.

 Understanding these alternatives allows individuals to choose the best method for their needs, whether in the kitchen, outdoors, or in professional settings.

Safety Considerations And Best Practices For Knife Sharpening

Knife sharpening, whether using traditional methods or unconventional approaches like using a knife to sharpen another knife, involves certain risks and requires careful attention to safety.

In this section, we discuss the safety considerations and best practices that should be followed to ensure a safe and effective sharpening experience.

Knife Sharpening Safety Guidelines

The following are some basic sharpening guidelines that apply to all sharpening methods, including attempting unconventional methods.

  • Use Protective Gear. Wearing gloves and eye protection can prevent accidental injuries.
  • Secure the Sharpening Surface. Whether using a stone or another knife, ensure the sharpening surface is stable and secure.
  • Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions. When using mechanical sharpeners, adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  • Avoid Over-Sharpening. Applying too much pressure or over-sharpening can damage the blade and increase the risk of accidents.

TIP: Knife sharpeners can wear out, losing their effectiveness in keeping your blades sharp. Find out how each type of sharpener wears out and how to tell they need replacing in our article below!
Do Knife Sharpeners Wear Out? Answer for Various Sharpeners

Best Practices For Different Sharpening Methods

Each sharpening method has a “best practices” outline to achieve the best sharpening results from the chosen method.

  • Sharpening Stones. Use water or oil as lubrication, maintain consistent angles, and follow the grit progression from coarse to fine.
  • Using a Knife to Sharpen a Knife. Choose the right knives, align the blades properly, and use gentle sliding motions.
  • Mechanical Sharpeners. Clean the device regularly, follow the instructions for each stage, and avoid using excessive force.

Testing Sharpness Safely

Part of the knife sharpening process is to test the edge sharpness to establish whether the desired level of sharpness has been achieved.

  • Paper Test. Cut a piece of paper to check the sharpness without risking injury.
  • Visual Inspection. Look for reflections on the edge, which may indicate dull spots.
  • Touch Test. Gently feel the edge with the pad of your thumb, moving perpendicular to the blade, not along it.

Emergency Care For Sharpening Accidents

There is always the risk of accidents happening when sharpening a knife, even when using traditional, safer methods. The risk increases when unconventional methods are used or methods you are not as familiar with as other methods.

  • First Aid: Have a first aid kit handy in case of minor cuts or injuries.
  • Seek Professional Help: In case of serious injuries, seek professional medical assistance immediately.

Safety considerations and best practices are paramount in knife sharpening. Individuals can achieve sharp and efficient blades without risking injury by following proper guidelines, using appropriate tools, and adhering to best practices.

Whether exploring traditional methods or the unconventional approach of using a knife to sharpen another knife, safety should always be the priority.

BTW: If you are interested in buying the best cutting board, you can find our recommendations below:

  • The best overall: Virginia Kitchen Boys Cutting Board (Amazon link). This fantastic cutting board is made from sustainable walnut wood from the United States and brings almost perfect safety when cutting with your knives.
  • Alternative: Yoshihiro Cutting Board (Amazon link). Professional traditional Japanese cutting board that chefs around the world use.
  • Cheaper option: Shun Cultery Cutting Board (Amazon link). Another Japanese cutting board stands out, especially for its simplicity and affordable price.


Knife sharpening is a multifaceted subject that extends beyond mere functionality to encompass art, skill, and even debate.

The question regarding using a knife to sharpen a knife has led us to an exploration of not only this unconventional method but also the broader landscape of knife maintenance.

Safety has been a recurring theme, emphasizing the need for caution, proper technique, and adherence to best practices.

The method of using a knife to sharpen another knife stands as a symbol of innovation and adaptability but also serves as a reminder of the complexity and responsibility that come with handling blades. It’s a temporary solution.

In the end, the choice of method depends on individual needs, preferences, and situations. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but rather a rich tapestry of techniques and considerations that make knife sharpening a continually evolving field.

TIP: Sharpening serrated blade knives requires specialized sharpeners to accurately sharpen the edge in each serration. Find out which sharpeners are best for serrated knives in our article on the topic.
TOP 7 Knife Sharpeners For Serrated Knives: Complete Guide