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Preserving Sharpness: Do Unused Knives Dull Over Time?

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The sharpness of a knife is paramount for it to be effective for its intended purpose. The sharpness of the blade can significantly impact the precision and quality of the work, making it a topic of utmost importance to professionals and enthusiasts alike. Some knife owners report that their unused knives become dull, and they lack a sharp edge when retrieved for use. Is it possible for an unused knife to get dull during storage?

Unused knives can become dull due to oxidation, atomic migration, or improper storage, which could damage the cutting edge, resulting in a loss of sharpness. Taking proper care of your knives can minimize the loss of sharpness when they are not used.

There has been a longstanding debate and curiosity surrounding the concept of knife dulling, specifically focusing on whether knives can lose their sharpness even when not in use. This seemingly simple question opens up many discussions and explorations into the science of metals, the environment in which they are kept, and the external factors that can affect a blade’s keenness.

If you are interested in an in-drawer knife storage option that we recommend and use, take a look at the Delux Knife Dock, which you can find here! (Amazon Link)

Can A Knife Become Dull When It Is Unused?

Do Unused Knives Get Dull?
Can A Knife Become Dull When It Is Unused?

We will shed light on the various factors that contribute to a knife losing its edge and provide insights and practical knowledge on maintaining the sharpness of knives.

Several common misconceptions will be dispelled, and we will provide preventative measures and maintenance tips to ensure your blades’ longevity and optimal performance.

By understanding the intricacies of knife dulling and implementing proper care and maintenance, users can preserve the life and efficiency of their knives, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience whether in the kitchen, the workshop, or the barbershop.

Factors Contributing To Knife Dulling

Understanding the factors contributing to knife dulling is crucial for maintaining the longevity and efficiency of a blade. Several elements, both environmental and usage-related, can impact the sharpness of a knife over time.

We will explore these factors in detail, providing a comprehensive overview of how each one affects a knife’s edge.


Oxidation is a chemical reaction that occurs when metal is exposed to oxygen, forming metal oxides. This process can affect the very edge of a knife, causing it to dull over time.

The oxidation rate depends on the type of steel used in the blade and the environmental conditions in which it is stored. For instance, blades stored in low humidity and coated with oil tend to oxidize slower, preserving their sharpness for longer periods.

Atomic Migration

Atomic migration refers to the theory that the atoms at the sharp edge of a knife tend to rearrange themselves over time, leading to a loss of sharpness.

This theory suggests that a blade’s highly organized and unnatural sharp edge is unstable, causing atoms to migrate away from it. While this theory is debated, it provides an interesting perspective on the potential microscopic changes occurring in unused knives.

Knife Storage And Use

Do Unused Knives Get Dull?
Knife Storage And Use

How a knife is stored can significantly impact its sharpness. Improper storage, where blades can rub against other objects or surfaces, can lead to dulling.

Using knives on hard cutting surfaces or for unintended purposes can also damage the edge. Proper storage and mindful use are essential for maintaining a knife’s edge.

Cutting Surfaces And Material

The hardness of the cutting surface and the material being cut play a crucial role in the dulling of knives.

Cutting on hard surfaces like glass or ceramic can quickly dull the blade as these surfaces are harder than the knife’s edge. Additionally, cutting abrasive or hard materials can wear down the edge faster.


FactorDescriptionPreventative Measures
OxidationChemical reactions causing the formation of metal oxides.Store in low humidity and oil the blade.
Atomic MigrationThe rearrangement of atoms at the blade’s edge over time.Further research is needed.
Storage and UseImproper storage and misuse can damage the edge.Use proper storage solutions and use mindfully.
Cutting SurfacesHard and abrasive surfaces/materials wear down the edge.Use appropriate cutting boards and avoid hard materials.

By understanding and addressing these factors, users can implement effective strategies to minimize the dulling of knives, ensuring that they remain sharp and efficient, whether in use or stored away.

TIP: Are you looking to buy a new whetstone? Check out our recommendations (we personally use the first three ones):

Our PRO choice whetstones combo (Amazon links):

Our budget choice (Amazon link): Sharp Pebble Extra Large Sharpening Stone Set

TIP: If you are struggling to keep your knives sharp, you may be making some fundamental mistakes in your knife care. Read all about keeping your knives sharper for longer in our article below!
5 Simple & Proven Tips: Keeping Your Knives Sharp Longer

Misconceptions About Knife Dulling

In the quest to maintain the sharpness of knives, numerous misconceptions have surfaced, leading to many myths and misinformation surrounding knife dulling.

Addressing these misconceptions is crucial for fostering proper knowledge and care practices among knife users. We will clarify some common misconceptions and provide accurate information on what makes knives become dull.

Cutting Food Dulls Knives

One prevalent misconception is that the act of cutting food is the primary cause of knife dulling. While it is true that regular use can wear down a blade over time, the material being cut is often not the culprit.

It is essential to understand that it’s not what you’re cutting but what you’re cutting on that dulls knives. Hard cutting surfaces such as glass, ceramic, or countertops are more likely to dull the blade quickly.

Only Used Knives Get Dull

Another common belief is that knives only get dull when they are used frequently. However, as discussed earlier, unused knives can also lose their sharpness due to factors like oxidation and atomic migration.

Proper storage and environmental conditions are pivotal in maintaining the sharpness of unused knives.

All Knives Dull At The Same Rate

The misconception that all knives dull at the same rate overlooks the diversity in blade materials and construction.

Different types of steel, blade geometries, and edge grinds have varying resistances to dulling. For instance, a high-carbon steel knife may hold an edge longer than one made of softer stainless steel.

Sharpening Is The Only Maintenance Needed

Believing that sharpening is the only form of maintenance needed for knives is a simplistic view of knife care.

While regular sharpening is crucial, other practices such as proper cleaning, storage, and mindful use also play significant roles in preserving a knife’s edge. Overlooking these aspects can lead to premature dulling and damage to the blade.

By dispelling these misconceptions, we aim to foster a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of knife dulling among users.

TIP: Sharpening hollow-edge knives can be tricky without the right tools and skills. Find out how to sharpen these knives properly in our article below!
How To Sharpen A Hollow Edge Knife In 5 Steps

Practical Insights And Observations

In knife maintenance, practical insights and real-world observations play a pivotal role in understanding and addressing the phenomenon of knife dulling.

These insights, often derived from professionals and enthusiasts who deal with knives on a daily basis, provide valuable perspectives and empirical evidence on how knives lose their sharpness over time and how this can be mitigated.

Traditional wisdom and observations from seasoned users suggest that knives, whether used or unused, do tend to lose their sharpness over time.

Many have noted that knives they had sharpened and subsequently stored without using seemed to exhibit a loss of edge keenness over time. This supports the notion that factors beyond mere usage, such as environmental conditions and storage methods, can impact a blade’s sharpness.

Professionals like chefs, barbers, and butchers, who rely heavily on the sharpness of their tools, have unique insights into the subtleties of knife dulling.

They often observe that even minimal loss of sharpness, which may go unnoticed by the average user, can significantly impact their work’s precision and quality.

Their stringent standards and acute awareness of their tools’ condition make their observations and practices particularly valuable for understanding and addressing knife dulling.

Severity Of Dulling

The actual degree to which a knife dulls when not in use is typically minimal and occurs over an extended period.

For most casual users, this gradual decline in sharpness is often negligible and may not impact the knife’s functionality significantly.

However, even this slight dulling can be critical for those who demand peak performance from their blades, necessitating regular maintenance and optimal storage conditions.

Impact of Knowledge and Experience

The perceived sharpness of a knife can also be influenced by the user’s evolving knowledge and experience.

As users become more acquainted with knives and develop a refined understanding of sharpness, their standards and perceptions of what is considered “sharp” may change.

This evolving benchmark can lead to a heightened awareness of dulling and a more discerning approach to knife maintenance.

Preventative Measures And Maintenance

Do Unused Knives Get Dull?
Preventative Measures And Maintenance

Preserving the sharpness of knives is not solely about addressing the dulling but also about implementing preventative measures and regular maintenance.

By adopting proper care practices and being mindful of the factors contributing to dulling, users can significantly extend the life and efficiency of their knives. We offer comprehensive insights and tips below on preventing knives from getting dull and maintaining them effectively.

Regular Knife Sharpening

Sharpening is a fundamental aspect of knife maintenance. Regularly sharpening knives ensures that they retain their edge and perform optimally.

It is essential to use appropriate sharpening tools and techniques, depending on the type of knife and its specific requirements. Straight-edge knives can often be sharpened at home, while serrated knives or those with special edge grinds may require professional sharpening services.

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These 4 diamond sharpening stones are all you need to have for repairing or sharpening your knives.

Proper Knife Storage

Proper storage is crucial in preventing unnecessary dulling of knives. Storing knives loosely in a drawer where they can bang against other utensils or the drawer itself can damage the edges.

 Utilizing knife blocks, magnetic strips, or blade guards can protect the edges from damage and prolong the sharpness of the knives. Ensuring that knives are stored in a dry and clean environment also helps in preventing oxidation and corrosion.

Mindful Knife Use And Cutting Surfaces

Using knives mindfully and choosing the right cutting surfaces can prevent premature dulling. Avoid using knives as improvised tools like screwdrivers or pry bars, as this can damage the blade.

Opt for cutting surfaces that are softer than the blade, such as wooden or soft plastic cutting boards, to minimize wear on the edge.

TIP: The right cutting board can extend the sharpness of your knife’s cutting edge. To find out which cutting boards are best for your knives, read our article on the topic below!
3 Best Cutting Boards For Your Knives

Knife Cleaning And Handling

Proper cleaning and handling are also vital in maintaining a knife’s sharpness. Hand washing knives with mild soap and water is recommended over using a dishwasher, as the harsh environment and jostling in a dishwasher can damage the edge. After washing, knives should be dried immediately and thoroughly to prevent rusting.

Protective Measures For Your Knives

Applying oil to the blade, especially for high-carbon steel knives, can provide a protective layer that prevents rust and corrosion.

Regularly inspecting knives for signs of wear, damage, or corrosion and promptly addressing these issues can also help in maintaining the sharpness and overall condition of the knives.


Many factors can contribute to knife dulling, and basic knife care and practices can preserve their edge. Whether a knife is in constant use in a bustling kitchen or stored away in pristine condition, the sharpness of its blade is subject to various influences, from environmental conditions to the very atomic structure of the metal.

By dispelling common misconceptions, we have fostered a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of what makes knives go dull. It is not merely the act of cutting or the frequency of use but many factors, including storage, handling, and the environment, that dictate the longevity of a knife’s sharpness.

Preventative measures and proper maintenance are the linchpins in preserving the sharpness of knives. Regular sharpening, mindful use, proper storage, and meticulous cleaning are essential practices that, when embraced, ensure the optimal performance and longevity of our cherished blades.

TIP: Including a knife in your survival kit can be a life-saving choice. We have all the info you need to make the right knife choice for your survival kit in the article below!
Survival Essentials: Crucial Role of Knife in Survival Kit